Jackson’s Claret – The Art of Troyl

WHEN: 21/03/2025

WHERE: Troon Village Hall

SHOW STARTS: 7:00 pm

COST: Supporter £15, Standard £10, Supported £6, Under 18 £6, Family £25 (+£1.50 booking fee per order)

Jackson’s Claret (new champions of traditional Cornish music); the dynamic Alex Taylor (Dance Leader of celebrated Cornish Dance Group Tros an Treys) and Shazz Andrew (Cornish Story Teller extraordinaire), come together to bring you a traditional Cornish Troyl.

Established in the 1880s, a Troyl included called dances; traditional tunes and songs; storytelling and costumed/dramatised dances. Think Cornish Ceilidh with bells and whistles. Your chance to listen to traditional Cornish songs and tunes (often related to mining, fishing and farming), which would have been heard all over rural communities in the 1700s, 1800s and 1900s; listen to captivating and entertaining Cornish yarns; watch traditional dances, brought alive with costumes and drama and…take a chance to try out some traditional Cornish dances, helped by an expert Caller, so that you can’t go wrong.

This will be an evening of joy and delight, connecting you to musical and story-telling traditions stretching back hundreds of years, but revived and re-imagined for modern times. This show will appeal to people of all ages. There will be lots of opportunities to learn and join in with the dancing, but if you just want to sit, watch and listen, the evening is for you too.



Where: Old Cattle Market, Helston


Where: Sterts Arts and Environmental Centre


Where: Troon Village Hall


Where: The Old Chapel, Godolphin Cross