INN CROWD – Live Literature in Pubs and Community Spaces

We are really pleased to be a touring partner in the INN CROWD – a programme of high quality live literature performances touring to rural pubs across the UK from 2019-2022.

The project aims to help reinforce pubs as central to rural community life by bringing exceptional cultural experiences to new audiences. We are going to form and develop a new network of venues and promoters who will open up their spaces to a new kind of high quality performance event.

Shows, sets or performances may include elements of theatre, poetry, spoken word, storytelling, literary adaptation, comedy, live art and audience participation … and right now we are looking for artists who would like to get involved!

We are looking for:

Reshape: shows, sets or performances that have been fully or partially developed and can be reshaped to suit performance in pub and other community settings.

Co-Production: ideas for new shows, sets or performances that can be developed with time and assistance from the Inn Crowd consortium.

Ready-to-Go: show, sets, or performances already developed and with a performance record, suitable for rural touring pub setting. You can contact us at anytime with a Ready-to-Go proposal.


Download and read the full information pack and then complete the online application form here:

Deadline for applications is 5pm Monday 23rd September 2019.