Artist opportunity: Major commission to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Cornwall’s Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Our friends at FEAST have an exciting opportunity for artists to submit ideas for the 60th anniversary celebration of Cornwall’s Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

FEAST is working with The Cornwall AONB Partnership and its staff team, the AONB Unit, to commission a large scale cultural programme to celebrate, through the course of 2019, the 60th birthday of the designation and protection of significant parts of Cornwall’s landscape.

“We are looking for creative and original proposals which will inspire people to explore and enjoy the landscapes of the Cornwall AONB, and the communities, history and stories which make them what they are. We want the cultural programme – working title Diamond Landscapes – to raise awareness of the value of the Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty with communities situated within all the 12 AONB areas and the broader public, both resident and visitors to Cornwall. The secondary audience is a national public whose perception of Cornwall may change because of the programme.

In summary, the aims of the AONB Anniversary Year are to:

• Celebrate – increase public awareness of the value of the AONB landscape to Cornwall as an extraordinary environmental, social, cultural and economic asset.
• Engage –encourage more people to experience the AONB landscape and feel healthier and happier for it. There is an emphasis on participation.
• Interpret – increase people’s understanding of the distinctive environment, communities and history of each of the 12 AONB areas.
• Connect – inspire communities within the AONB areas to celebrate their special environment and status.
• Cultivate – contribute to the profile of the AONB by encouraging contemporary cultural activity that responds to the distinctive environment.”

Click here to download the Diamond Landscapes Call and Brief for more information. The expression of interest deadline is 4th February 2018.