Take part: Musician call out for TK Music Lab

TK Music Lab is a new musical exchange project for young people in Cornwall, UK and Sibiu, Romania. The first of its kind, TK Music Lab will bring musicians and young people together from both countries to create and perform a new piece of music.

Carn to Cove is looking for participants to form a small group of musicians who will work together to create a new piece of music in Cornwall, led by Music Leaders Matthew Thomason and Ryan Jones. This will be through a series of workshops which will take place in October/November 2022.

At the same time, Music Hub in Sibiu, Romania will be working on their own unique piece.

Find out more about TK Music Lab and our progress so far on our project page.

The finale of TK Music Lab will be in February 2023. The group of musicians from Romania will visit Cornwall, and the two groups will come together to share and perform their music in person.

If you are a musician or singer in Cornwall, and you’re over 16, we’d love to hear from you. To sign up for TK Music Lab, please complete our short form and we’ll get in touch soon!