Piano Go Round

Cornwall needs a good quality grand piano that can be available for concerts and recitals around Cornwall and to transform access to great music to all.  Carn to Cove is launching Piano Go Round – a project that will enable superb piano, chamber music and jazz concerts to take place in many communities which currently lack a piano.

We are aiming firstly to raise a sum of money to support villages to afford the use of a concert grand for a tour on Carn to Cove in the Autumn of 2020, moving and tuning, and secondly to provide a permanent resource in the form of a robust grand piano that will be available to promoters across Cornwall for use at concerts at an affordable cost.

Music at St Mary’s, the concert series which takes place at St Mary’s Church in Penzance, hosted this appeal at its first celebrity concert of 2020 on 1st March 2020 at 3.p.m.  The Steinway grand piano, which has been on loan to St Mary’s since 2019 during the Hall for Cornwall’s refurbishment, has resulted in a great increase in the quality and variety of concerts, piano recital series, concertos, jazz piano concerts, and art song and lieder series.

We are appealing for patrons to help us acquire an instrument by making a donation of £100 or more towards one of the 88 NOTES on a piano, or by donating £25 or more towards a string.  We encourage donations to be Gift Aided. Your gift can be made online by bank transfer or by post marked Piano Go Round to Carn to Cove, Krowji, West Park, Redruth, Cornwall TR15 3AJ.

We are hoping to raise £3000 from this event to put towards our long-term goal and the concert pianist William Howard has donated his fee to get us started. All proceeds of the concert to the charity Creative Kernow will go to Piano Go Round.

  • Please encourage any friends to join you at the concert (and the tea following) – reserved seat booking is strongly advised.
  • In order to save postage we will confirm ticket orders by email or by phone (where no email given)…booking online offers additional services.

DONATIONS and GIFT AID for Piano Go Round

Donations can be made to the appeal by making cheques payable to Creative Kernow Ltd (a registered charity no. 292138) please reference Piano Go Round. 

Alternatively, click the button below to make a donation directly into our bank account.