Creative Kernow, based at Krowji, is the creative and cultural support organisation for the following nine projects. Together we support the production, promotion and distribution of work by creative practitioners in Cornwall because we believe in creativity's transformative power and want more people to benefit from it.

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Creative Kernow
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Carn to Cove is Cornwall’s performing arts scheme for rural communities. We are a pioneering charity who fill local sports halls, chapels and our wonderfully varied village halls with poetry, laughter, music, drama, stories and dancing.

The success of Carn to Cove is founded on the commitment and enthusiasm of volunteers around Cornwall. To help keep their local hall as a centre of social and live performance activity, they need the support of you and your friends and family by buying tickets and enjoying a great night out!

If you’d like to join our mailing list, you can do so here and if you are interested becoming a volunteer or wish to enquire about including your community on the scheme please contact us on 01209 312500.

We have just announced the Autumn / Winter 2024 season! Find out what’s on and book your tickets now.
